About Us

Who We Are

Namdhesam Foundation is functioning since 2013, though official it was registered under trust act in the year 2015. Namdhesam Foundation is a committed NGO working in the developmental field focusing on  upliftment of marginalized community both urban and rural areas in Tamil Nadu.

Namdhesam Foundation in its 6 years of dedicated community led consultative work has taken up various activities like adopting rural villages which were affected by the natural calamities, providing physical support and financial assistance to underprivileged person/families who are not able to pay their school education fees & supporting drop out students, adopting less privileges/remote rural schools and fulfil their basic needs such as RO drinking Water Facility, Constructing of Toilet, conducting and organising annual sport events like volleyball and sitting cricket to the differently abled including blind people in the name of “Vizhithadam.”


Bringing positive changes and creating holistic development in social, economic, emotional and psychological wellbeing of marginalized and disadvantaged people.


Supporting the needy rural communities with adequate care, protection, rehabilitation support and fostering innovative service initiatives to bring transform in social, economic, cultural and wellbeing.

Mission Objectives

In order to accomplish our vision, Namdhesam has adopted the following mission objectives:

  • Bringing Behavioural Communication Change in community about the ill effects of Drug and alcohol and its major impact on the society.
  • Encouraging treatment seeking behaviour among the alcoholics by motivating their family to get into rehabilitation process.
  • Conceptualize and develop need based support initiatives to bring holistic and sustainable change in the lives of the needy
  • Promoting and advocating education and economic growth skills among rural communities for a better tomorrow.
  • Offering a complete range of services and help to remove the social stigma from the lives of rural communities.
  • Promoting and advocating social initiatives among private and public sector agencies to make them more socially responsible and accountable.
  • Providing protection, counselling and economic support for various social causes through Community based and led programs.
  • Promoting people’s organisations to ensure entitlements and to build an effective demand system to safeguard and promote people’s interest.
  • Promoting potential and sustainable livelihoods to address the issues of poverty directly through financial literacy, improving income generation.

Become a Volunteer

We can Change everything together

When a community gets access to clean water, it can change just about everything. It can improve health increase access to food, grow local sio economies, and help kids.

Our Team

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We’re extremely proud of what we’ve achieved together with charities, individuals, philanthropists and schools since the Big Give was founded in 2007, and here are some fact from our achivemnet





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